The following terms and conditions apply to all students under a casual enrolment under Making Music Academy in particular for casual school holiday lessons. Payment of your invoice indicates you have read and agreed to the terms and conditions. Please don't hesitate to ask if you have any concerns or questions.
Available to all new and officially enrolled students.
Casual school holiday lessons will be offered based on availability within the teaching schedule.
Lessons can be 20 minutes - 1 hour duration.
School holiday casual lessons follow the pricing structure of regular private lessons and may incur a travel charge.
Payments are to be made prior to the first lesson by invoice and are non-refundable.
Lesson Cancellation
In the event a casual school holiday lesson is cancelled by the student, the lesson may be rescheduled by the end of the school holidays. If the lesson is unable to be rescheduled for any reason the cancelled lesson/s will be forefitted. Rescheduled lesson times will be offered based on what is available within the teaching schedule.
If a student no longer wishes to proceed with their scheduled casual school holiday lessons they will forfeit any payments made.
Students who need to end a lesson short for any reason including feeling unwell understand that the remainder of that lesson time is forfeited.
Students are expected to be prepared in good time for the start of their lesson. If a student is late, their lesson duration will be reduced to adhere to the end of the lesson time and the teacher's schedule.
In the rare event the teacher is late (for students travelled to), the lesson will go overtime by the time missed. Alternatively a discount will be applied to any future lessons.
Please note:
The allocated lesson time includes any time that may be spent discussing information or feedback with the parent or guardian of a student.
If lessons are being held from the student's home lessons must be conducted in a communal area.
Please avoid eating and drinking in your lessons (unless it is water).